Aileen Dalen
Equine Bodyworker and CST Therapist
United States of America
Business name
Restorative Equine Therapy
Practice area
San Joaquin to Nevada Counties – Central/Northern California
Restorative Equine Therapy utilizes Acupressure, Cranial Sacral, and Massage Therapy, along with Myofacial and Osteopathic techniques. All horses benefit from Restorative Equine Therapy because all horses experience regular pressures on their bodies throughout their lives. An unbalanced horse will try to create balance by overloading other parts of the body, ie: compensation. Because compensating makes finding the actual problem elusive, it is often frustrating for owners as different parts of the body can compensate at any time. The longer horses remain out of balance, the more chance they have of structural damage to joints, muscles, ligaments, and fascia throughout the body. Eventually, their feet will reflect the imbalance of the body. Retaining or reinstating the integrity of skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, nerve, and respiratory systems is vital for any horse. Therapy restores the equine body to balance.
Additional skills
Academic standing LCAO
Equine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)