Cheryl Hammerson
Equine Sports Massage Therapist, Accredited Professional Coach, Personal trainer and Massage therapist. BHSAPC, ESMT, BSc Hons
Phone: 07879424330
E-mail: cherylhammerson@gmail.com
AOW Member number: 0266
United Kingdom
Business name
Cheryl Hammerson Equestrian
Practice area
North and West Kent, East Surrey, East Sussex (north)
I am a BHS Accredited Professional Coach of 30 years+ experience, and more latterly a qualified Equine Sports Massage Therapist. I train horses and riders from an anatomical perspective and incorporate knowledge from classical riding and anatomical study. I can train the horse and the rider, and I can treat the horse’s musculoskeletal system. As a human Massage therapist and level 4 personal trainer, I can also help address issues in the rider’s body.
Additional skills
Academic standing LCAO
Equine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)