Christina Schaumann
Business name
Goodness for Paws
Practice area
My business is a mobile practice where I treat my canine patients in their homes with myofunctional therapy / clinical massage, kinesiology taping, and exercise physiology. Another big part of my business and a great passion of mine, is to give nutrition consults for cats and dogs. I have furthered my knowledge with courses in canine first aid, canine behavior and care as well as craniosacral therapy and kinesiology taping.
I see great outcomes with all my patients; it brings me joy to witness how my canine patients improve within one or two sessions and all without drugs or harsh therapies.
My clients value my treatments as a holistic service not only to treat issues such as arthritis, injury recovery, or conditions such as hip or elbow dysplasia or cruciate ligament concerns but also as an ongoing maintenance and preventative program to keep their beloved pets in tiptop shape and to add quality of life.
Additional skills
I am studying Canine Osteopathy to further my knowledge as I am passionate about treating our canine friends with natural methods and giving their bodies and minds a chance to utilize their self-healing abilities with a little help from my hands.
Academic standing LCAO
Canine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)