Corinne Schindler
Behaviour trainingBodyworkEquine osteopathic careEquine student LCAOFarrier servicesMassage therapyNutrition consultPhysiotherapyRehabilitation
Phone: 7202326421
AOW Member number: 0190
United States of America
Business name
Mile Hi Hoofcare and Rehab
Practice area
Boulder county and surrounding areas
I am a Certified Barefoot Trimmer through the Equine Lameness Prevention Organization. My passion is working with horses and owners with a holistic approach to equine care, rehabilitation, and maintenance. I offer my clients supportive prosthetics such as boot fitting, glue on composites, and hoof casting. I focus on helping horses through nutrition, herbal remedies, and balanced rehabilitative exercises.
Additional skills
I am an avid horseback rider. I strive to improve my own physical mobility and wellness, so I can show up for all of the equines in my life!
Academic standing LCAO
Equine & Canine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)