Cosette Spurr

DipEqAcu, CertEqSM

  • Country


  • Business name

    CG Equine

  • Practice area

    Macedon Ranges and surrounds

  • Website


  • About

    Cosette uses a combination of acupuncture, massage, and bodywork to provide individualized treatments to horses from any discipline. This allows her to treat both musculoskeletal issues and also systemic issues with acupuncture (of which she is also in her third year of human acupuncture bachelor studies). She also utilizes PEMF as an adjunctive therapy where applicable.


    Passionate about equine wellbeing and correct development, Cosette is continuously studying, completing masterclasses, and collaborating with other practitioners to continue to deepen her knowledge and skillset. She looks forward to adding Equine Osteopathy to her treatments at the completion of her diploma.

  • Additional skills

    CG Equine is the partnership of Cosette’s equine therapies side and her partner Geronimo’s “breaking” or as they prefer ‘education’ side. Together they provide a well-rounded approach to both training and treatments; always putting the horse’s best interests first.

  • Academic standing LCAO

    Equine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)