Emily Thompson

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  • About

    Hey there, I’m Emily Thompson, an animal Osteopathy student from Canada. Animals have always been my passion, and I’m currently diving into the world of Osteopathy to enhance their well-being. My dog Lucy is my inspiration, showcasing the real impact of this practice. As a manual Osteopath, I’m always struck by the way it connects physical health with overall vitality in animals. I’m an eager learner, always researching to integrate new insights into my practice. Beyond academics, I’m all about spreading the word on animal Osteopathy’s benefits. Building a community that values animals’ well-rounded health is my goal. Becoming part of the Animal Osteopathy Worldwide Association is my next step. Collaborating with professionals who share my passion is thrilling. I’m excited to contribute and learn within this inspiring association.

  • Additional skills


  • Academic standing LCAO

    Equine & Canine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)