Jennifer Vereshack

  • Country


  • Business name

    Integrated Equine Services by Jenn Vereshack

  • Practice area

    Southern Ontario

  • Website


  • About

    I provide integrated equine services including: Masterson Method Bodywork, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, (for horses and dogs), and saddle fit services including saddle fit assessments and Western saddle custom fitting. My services are geared towards the consideration of whole animal health and wellness.

  • Additional skills

    In addition to my certifications in Masterson Method bodywork (MMCP), equine ergonomics (CEE), and pulsed electromagnetic fields, I hold a BA in Psychology (York University) and a diploma in counseling abused women and children (George Brown College).

    I also have a background in therapeutic riding.

  • Academic standing LCAO

    Equine & Canine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)