Leah Pierce-Hicks
Dip ESMT, Dip AO, Equine BodyWorker
Phone: 5759429955
E-mail: mustangsouleequine@icloud.com
AOW Member number: 0170
United States of America
Business name
Mustang Soule Equine BodyWorks
Practice area
Central Texas / Southeastern New Mexico/ Weatherford
One hundred percent about Horses!! Getting. Tensegrity.. alignment and Balance Restored inside and out!! My passion is the Horse…Being their voice! Helping them to live their best life balanced.. aligned.. symmetrical in the body GOD gave them!!
Additional skills
PMST therapy. Cytowave Therapy. Acupressure
Academic standing LCAO
Equine & Canine Osteopathy (Student LCAO)